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Why not try a new way of coffee - Nitro Coffee!

Do you know what is Nitro Coffee? Its full name is Nitro Cold Brew, as the name implies, nitrogen coffee is also a kind of cold coffee. With the infusion of nitrogen (it is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas ) on cold coffee, that can increase the silky smooth dense taste, more refreshing than cold coffee to drink some. Besides, nitrogen helps boost coffee with a sweeter taste, even without adding sugar or other sweeteners.

Cold brew coffee has a weak bitterness and astringency, which is due to the fact that the coffee powder is extracted at a low temperature for a long time, which dissolves the oils and aromatic substances that contain flavor and avoids the undesirable flavor produced by the high-temperature chemosynthesis reaction, thus cutting down the bitterness and astringency. The added nitrogen turns into tiny bubbles in the coffee, which makes its taste more special and gives it a silky texture without adding a drop of milk. Nitrogen coffee is lower in calories than milk coffee, so coffee lovers who are trying to lose fat can drink it boldly.

Nitro coffee is usually made with a darker roast, which is thicker, fuller and less acidic. Traditional hot water brewing amplifies the acidity during the brewing process, while cold brewing softens the acidic factor. The higher acidity in traditional coffee can cause acid reflux, heartburn or burning discomfort.

Are you trying to make nitro drinks? Our safe and food grade N2 cylinders will be your perfect choice.

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